Kamis, 14 April 2011

function of manager

Function Of Manager
The manager is the person who performs management. Management is an attempt to reach the destination by utilizing resources (resources) efficiently and effectively. Business conducted through a systematic process. In achieving the objectives, targets must be achieved.
· Function Manager:
1. Understanding the vision and mission
Vision is the ideals of corporate existence in the future. The mission is the principal function of an organization which is the reason its existence. Position it parallel to the vision and mission.
2. Must translate the vision and mission to the goal
- The objective is formulated with two basic:
Vision and Mission
Anticipation (estimate) about the future
- Goals must meet four requirements:
Measurable (can be measured): no data and figures
b. Chalenging (challenging): There should be easily accessible so that work motivation will be resurrected
c. Realistic (achievable): In accordance with the ability
d. Time Frame (tenor)
3. Formulate measures should be taken to achieve a goal (making plans)
4. Make efforts to include resources in carrying out the plan that has been made
5. Leads the implementation plan for the employees depat working with highly motivated
6. Controlling the implementation of activities and use of resources for the plan are made to walk properly
7. Preparing to face the contingency (prepared to deal with matters outside estimates).
· Problem Manager
1. The managers are always faced with uncertainties about the future
2. Always face the problem of limited resources.
- To deal with these problems, we can use one of the following three approaches:
1. Entrepreneur Approach (an entrepreneurial approach)
Feature: intuitive and aggressive
The results were very dependent on the accuracy filingnya (higher risk)
2. Adaptive Approach (adjustment approach)
Feature: conservative and wait for the situation developing
The results of this approach is no pattern and the company has always been a follower.
3. Planning Approach (planning approach)
Traits: using systematic approach and structure
The results of this approach is a planned growth.
· Process Management
1. Planning: formulating action / steps to achieve goals
2. Organizing: manage resources in carrying out the plans that have been made
3. Executing: lead the implementation of the plan and provide motivation
4. Controlling: to control the implementation of activities to conform with the plan.
· Attribute Management
1. Power
2. Objective: managers must commit to the goal (if already determined)
3. Process (achieving goals): the responsibility of a manager.
- To reach the goal takes the process
- The process must be done well for achievable goals
- Managers must go through four stages in the process (Planning, Organizing, Executing, and Controlling)
4. Man: Managers must be able to interact with bawahanya
5. Resources: must be able to utilize resources
· Management Role (role manager)
1. Interpersonal Role: manager must be able to have a role associated with the other parties
a. Figure Head: managers must be able to represent units dipimpinya
b. Leader: managers must be able to effectively lead bawahanya
c. Liaison: Managers can become a liaison with the units / other organizations
2. Informational Role (role information)
a. Monitoring: Managers must be able to play a role to monitor the activities of units within the framework dipimpinya production activities and data collection
b. Disseminator: managers must act to deliver the information to those who need it dikumpulkanya
c. Spoke person: managers must act to submit the policy / decision pimpinanya higher to subordinates they lead in a way that is easily understandable (can convey desires, aspirations, and proposals to the leaders).
3. Decision Making
Managers must act to take the decision of the problems that arise in the organizational unit that dipimpinya. Every decision has risks that must be taken into account. However, a manager should not retreat to make decisions.
a. Enterperneur (businessman): managers must act to see the opportunities that arise, make decisions to take advantage of those opportunities for the organization / unit that dipimpinya.
b. Disturbance Handler: managers must act to take the decision to cope with disturbances
c. Resource Allocator: managers must act to take resource allocation decisions
d. Negotiator: managers must play a role in the decision to negotiate with other units.
· Various Skill (which must be owned manager)
1. Technical Skill: skill in using specific techniques in doing a job
2. Human Skill: skill-related
Provide guidance or instructions
Provide motivation to bawahanya either individually or in groups
3. Conceptual Skill: managers must be able to see the units under it is related systems so that they can coordinate in integrating all the activities of organization units.

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